Search Results
Ethnological Museums: "Restitution of Ethnological Objects: Legal Obligation or Moral Dilemma"
Ethnological Museums: "Return and Dialogue. Two Sets of Experiences from Vienna"
Ethnological Museums: "Positioning Ethnological Museums in the 21st Century"
Ethnological Museums: "The First Steps of the New"
Ethnological Museums: "From Curiosa to World Culture: And What Comes Next?"
Some Notes on Repatriation, Restitution, Provenance Research and the Historiography of Collecting
A Progressive Approach to Repatriation of Sacred Objects
Historic indigenous objects return to Australia
Dr. Tom Flynn (UK). The Concept of the Universal Museum
Museum feels negative effects from new law
The fabulous story of a mummified Maori head of Rouen Museum
Dr. Richard M. Leventhal: Stealing the Past: Collectors and Museums of the 21st Century